The 5 Dimensions of a 5th Level Web
The 5 Dimensions of a 5th Level Web Presence are Structure, Schedule, Benchmarking, 3D Market Pull Awareness, and Thought Leadership
5 Dimensions of a 5th Level Web:
- Structure- the media components
- Schedule- the rhythm of updates and activities
- Benchmarking- knowing the competitive landscape
- 3D Market Pull Awareness- understanding demand, including media demand
- Thought Leadership Model (TLM)Building- as a path to market leadership
The Structure defines the “placeholders” where content goes on the internet, with the website at the center of the "solar system" as well as outposts like social media accounts, blogs, and email newsletters. Outreach like guest blogging can be included to extend further. WHERE it goes
The Schedule defines the frequency of web content updates and other schedule-sensitive adjustments as well as the rhythm of placing new content like blog posts, videos, infographics, and email newsletters. Regular, fresh content is important to maintain high search engine placement and audience engagement. WHEN posts and updates are made.
Benchmarking includes Competitive Research that helps point to what it takes for web content to be competitive in or lead a category. HOW MUCH quantity and HOW GOOD a quality of content does it take to lead your niche?
3D Market Pull Awareness
Shared Knowledge of the 3 Dimensions of Customer Pull helps integrate sales and service. Pull, in this context, means customer demand on the system of your business and its web media. The 3 dimensions of pull are purchase pull, media pull, and bounce pull. Purchase Pull is buying customers attempting to extract value with their money. Media Pull is prospects and customers extracting value from the internet with their time. Bounce Pull is when customers try to get solutions to problems caused in extracting that value. That's the kind we don't want, but it can be learned from so should also be studied. WHO is making demands on your business and it's media and what do they value?
Thought Leadership
5th Level Web content vividly represents Thought Leadership Models (TLMs) built with both competitive research and study of the 3 dimensions of customer pull in mind. This marketplace-leading content can take the form of blogs, infographics, web copy, video, and more. WHAT market leading content is produced responsive to competitive research and study of the 3 dimensions of customer pull?
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The 5 Dimensions of 5th Level
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